School Expansion

When working with my clients we dive deep into your vision and values. I use my expertise in curriculum and assessment to co-create Math resources to meet your needs & leverage your environment. As a consultant, I analyze how to expand and up level your community of educators to bring coherence.


Just like our students, our team of educators need differentiated support to expand their practice. I provide a holistic approach to professional development, tailored to meet educators’ needs & where they are on their journey.

I have an unmatched ability to connect with educators, empowering and coaching them to expand their potential. After working with me, your educators will have all the resources they need to thrive.

This systematic change brings cohesion and clarity to students,
families, educators, and your business.



  • 1:1 or Group Coaching & Consulting

  • Immersive In-Person Transformations

  • Custom Math Resources based on your vision, values & environment


Coaching & Consulting Modalities

  • Co-Creating Custom Resources based on the vision for your school

Professional Development Modalities Include:

  • Teaching Math through Inquiry

  • Math in the Kitchen

  • Math in the Workshop

  • Math in the Forest

  • Building Number Fluency

  • Teaching entrepreneurship

  • Spatial Reasoning

  • Counting Principles

  • Assessment, Documentation &

  • Writing Learning Journey's

  • Custom Session to meet your needs

The greatest sign of success as a teacher is to be able to say... ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist’ - Maria Montessori
— Maria Montessori