Meet Gillian

Mother, educator & coach shifting the paradigm of HOW Math is taught.

Gillian is an Ontario Certified Teacher, forest and nature school practitioner, math coach & private school consultant who specializes in elementary mathematics. She uses her expertise in curriculum and assessment, through a holistic approach and an Inquiry-Based Learning lens, to coach and empower educators, nature-rooted schools, and homeschooling families to expand their vision of what Math and school can be. She is the leading architect redesigning HOW our children learn math. Over the past decade she has witnessed the successful outcomes with her students and her clients. She has shared her expertise at symposiums across Ontario and workshops across North America.

I believe that at every age, learning should be playful, mindful, courageous, and wondrous.

Teaching our children how to think, versus what to think. Nourishing their bodies through movement and their minds by nurturing their natural curiosity. A Holistic Math teaching and learning model connects the mind, body, and soul while developing critical thinking skills. Learning through mother nature and its magic, and empowering our children to connect to self. Celebrating divergent thinking rather than passive task completion. Creating and investigating rather than conforming and complying. Learning through experiences as opposed to textbooks and worksheets.

Teaching our children how to think, versus what to think. Nourishing their bodies by living organically and their minds by nurturing their natural curiosity.
— Gillian

An Inquiry-Based Holistic Educational model that includes Forest School & Montessori values.

Math is more than solving equations. My workshops, programs & resources nurture children’s emotional intelligence and inquiry skills by engaging in math through nature, gardening, woodworking, baking, cooking, homestead skills, entrepreneurship and playful experiential learning. I believe in learning organically. When we work together, we co-create new systems where children become self-aware critical thinkers who thrive in this ever-changing world. Children embody that learning is a lifestyle through experiences, nature & play. I empower you, your business, your family, and your community to teach with confidence and create coherence.

We co-create new systems where children learn and live organically and become sovereign, self-aware, critical thinkers who thrive in this ever-changing world.
— Gillian