Teaching math through nature, inquiry & experiences, practical life skills & child-lead learning


As opposed to memorization & regurgitation, I coach & mentor nature-rooted schools, conscious educators & homeschoolers HOW to teach Math through inquiry-based, experiential learning rather than passive task completion.


“As the Holistic Numeracy Architect, I coach educators, nature-rooted schools & homeschoolers to redesign HOW their children learn Math.”

Gillian empowers her clients to become the architects of their Math program by teaching through child-led learning. She equips her clients with the tools and resources they need to thrive and feel CONFIDENT teaching Math!

You will learn HOW to seamlessly weave the essential understandings of math & critical thinking skills through nature, inquiry, play, experiences & life skills. She has an innate ability to deeply dissect the learning experience & co-create credible, comprehensive Math programs that will bring cohesion to your learning environments.

She offers workshops, speaking engagements, resources, and group mentorship programs for people all over the world!


Together as a commUNITY, we nurture healthy, autonomous, self-aware, critical thinkers instead of passive consumers and task completers.

Through inquiry, nature, and experiences our children embody that learning Math is a lifestyle rather than in four walls of a room at a desk on a worksheet.

The best classrooms are the ones roofed only by the sky.
— Margret MC Millan

Explore My Offerings

  • Math Coach Membership Program

    Need Math Support?

    I will be your personal Math Coach for an ENTIRE year! You ask and I will answer!

    Teach Math through your child’s interests with CONFIDENCE!

    Bi-weekly coaching calls to answer your specific questions.

    Group Coaching for Nature-Rooted Schools & Homeschoolers. No experience needed.

  • Resources & Lessons

    Nature-Rooted Math Lessons & Activites

    Maximize authentic math moments through experiential learning while integrating all strands. Engage in math while learning practical life skills!


    Kindergarten to Grade 5

  • Speaking & Workshops

    Book Gillian for a live or virtual speaking engagement or workshop for your community. Her vibrant energy & expertise will leave your audience feeling optimistic and empowered about the future of education. Gillian has experience sharing her knowledge in inquiry, experiential learning and how children learn math at symposiums across Ontario and online across North America.

    Custom Packages Available

Now more than ever, it’s time to strip old stories and structures of the archaic system and redesign the learning experience for our children.

Learning Math & nurturing the whole child has many layers. Integrating your vision and values is a journey, not a destination. Let’s connect, collaborate and co-create a priceless learning experience for your children!

Remember, the child in front of you, at the very moment, is the curriculum.

With love and gratitude,

Holistic Numeracy Architect


These offerings are for you if:

  • You are a School that wants to co-create credible & comprehensive Math programs based on YOUR vision, values & environment.

  • You are new to homeschooling or you have been homeschooling for many years and want to learn how to teach math through your child’s interests with CONFIDENCE.

  • You're a conscious educator and want to expand your practice by teaching math through nature & inquiry.

  • You are not homeschooling but would like to learn how to support your child in math at home.

  • You align with a Holistic Education model & learning through an Inquiry(intuition)-Based lens.

  • You want to expand your knowledge on how to support your children’s needs in Math.

  • You want to learn what it looks like, feels like, and sounds like to implement a Holistic Math Program through nature & experiential learning.


  • YOU have children that LOVE & thrive in Mathematics!

  • YOU bring cohesion to your education community!

  • YOU feel confident in your ability to guide and support your children in math through child-led learning, nature, and experiences!

  • YOU have all the skills to architect a Math program through the rhythms of nature!

  • YOU leverage your environment & child’s interests to guide your Math Program!

  • YOU feel passionate about learning math alongside your children and students!

  • YOU unlock and unleash the Numeracy Architect in you!


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